Our Suppliers, Our Partners

Supplier Support
Our suppliers play a critical role in the total satisfaction of our customers. Our procurement needs range from technologically advanced materials and components to typical industrial products. To meet these needs, we seek and maintain suppliers that share in our ideals of total quality as well as continuous improvement on part and service quality, delivery performance, and total cost. Our procurement activity is conducted through a competitive process. Quotations are received on a competitive basis and fair evaluations are made. This results in our awarding the order to the responsive bidder capable of meeting schedule and quality requirements at the lowest cost. Our procurement methods follow the dictates of ISO9001 and AS9100.
When you are given an opportunity to quote, you may receive a formal request for quotation (RFQ), an e-mail with or without a drawing, or a telephoned request. When you reply to the commodity leader, be sure that your quote is accurate and that your proposal is submitted on time. Commodity leaders consider price, delivery, quality, reliability, maintainability, warranties, management capability, and importantly, past quality performance – not price alone, but total acquisition cost.
If you are the successful bidder, the commodity leader will notify you and issue a purchase order, which may be a verbal, unconfirmed purchase order for low value orders, a hard copy purchase order or a formal, lengthy contract. The commodity leader will advise you when and how to ship, and will caution you against shipping early or late. The purchase order number must appear on all documents such as the shipper or packing sheet, invoice, etc. Shipments cannot be received and paid for if they cannot be identified. Furthermore, the supplier shall notify AvtechTyee, in writing, of any change to products or processes that affect the form, fit or function of any supplied part(s), per our quality assurance specification 8801-QS. Supplemental quality requirements apply to electronic components supplied by non franchised distributors, as defined in 0701QS. The requirements specified in 0702QS apply to plastic injection molded components.
Quality system approval is required of manufacturers, distributors, and special processors who provide product or services to AvtechTyee. Approval may be granted based on a Quality Questionnaire self-assessment or an on-site survey conducted by AvtechTyee’s quality engineering organization. A recurring re-evaluation may be required based on a number of factors, including (but not limited to): quality performance, delivery performance, volume, and product complexity.
Upon receipt of the material, the shipment will be inspected to ensure that it complies with the order and specification, per our standard terms and conditions, 8801TC.
Should the shipment not be as ordered, it will be returned to the supplier for replacement at the supplier’s expense, and the supplier’s quality record will be noted. If an RMA is needed to return the material to your company, AvtechTyee requires that the RMA number be provided within three business days of notification. A rejection may initiate a request for Formal Corrective Action. An unacceptable quality level can result in elimination from new program participation.
Prompt reliable delivery is vital to the successful accomplishment of our programs, which are usually burdened with limited lead times. Your delivery performance is scored with each shipment and is reviewed regularly by the commodity leader. You will get a copy of that performance review, which is described in more detail below in the Supplier Performance Review section. Unacceptable delivery performance can result in elimination from AvtechTyee’s list of qualified suppliers.
AvtechTyee needs to receive the items ordered within the specified early/late delivery window printed on the purchase order in an undamaged condition. Be sure your packaging is adequate and conforms to our instructions. Include or separately forward to the commodity leader if so instructed, any certifications, first article acceptance reports, etc., required by the purchase order. Parts received before or after the specified delivery window will be reflected as a delivery “miss” on the delivery performance rating.
When your material has been delivered to the commodity leader and accepted, your invoice will be paid per the terms of your purchase order as stated in our standard terms and conditions, 8801TC. Be sure you send your invoices to the Accounts Payable Department, which receives and pays suppliers’ invoices. AvtechTyee has been issued a Reseller Permit by the Washington State Department of Revenue and should not be assessed a sales tax on product material purchases. If a problem or misunderstanding arises about your payment, contact the commodity leader for resolution to the problem.
Product material receipts are measured for quality and schedule performance. In some cases, the commodity leader will communicate a Supplier Scorecard on a quarterly basis. An example of a typical Supplier Scorecard, with goals and scoring, can be found here. As necessary, more frequent communication of quality or delivery performance or concerns may occur. If a negative trend in your quality and/or delivery performance occurs, the commodity leader or Supplier Quality Engineer may request a Formal Corrective Action. Our expectations are for suppliers to meet 98% on time delivery and 99.5% quality.
If you would like to be considered for supplying your products and/or services to AvtechTyee please contact us using the web form below. The information will be routed to the appropriate commodity leader. Outline the nature of your business and the products or services you could provide. You can also include any available brochures and request an appointment to provide more detail and to explore our needs. Please note that commodity leaders meet with suppliers by appointment only.
Should AvtechTyee choose to develop a business relationship, you will be asked to fill out a Quality Questionnaire and return it within a few days.